8 Easy Steps to Avoid Getting Sick this Season
It’s cold season again, and already we have seen a big uptick in patients complaining of colds. Here are some easy and effective steps to take to reduce your chances of getting sick:
Wash your hands! Probably the most important and most effective prevention is frequent hand washing. Hand wash with soap for 20 seconds - that's 2 Happy Birthday songs!
Hands Off! Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. The mucous membranes on the face are the avenues of entry for germs.
Stay hydrated! It is also important to stay hydrated. Viruses live longer in dry conditions. Using a humidified at home with a few drops of virus and bacteria fighting essential oils, like eucalyptus, are smart additions to keeping mucous membranes healthy and resilient.
Keep Your Head Warm and Clean! If you are prone to air-borne irritants and suffer from seasonal allergies, I recommend wrapping your head in a scarf or bandana or washing your hair before bed. Otherwise, all the particulates in your hair are on your pillow and you are breathing them in all night while you sleep.
Relax! Try to minimize stressors. The immune system is less effective when we are stressed. Acupuncture and massage can help greatly to reduce stress and relax muscles.
Sleep! Make sure you are getting a good night’s sleep. Waking up and feeling rested is a good indicator you are on the right track.
Get your Vitamin C! Increase your intake of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables. Think all the colors of the rainbow.
Sneeze Ahead (Or in this case; your arm)! And remind everyone around you to practice prevention by sneezing into the bend of the elbow and to wash hands regularly. Prevention really is the key to a cold -free season.
Stay healthy!