Recipe of the Month: Chinese Herbal Soup

At Portland Healing Space we offer a Chinese Herbal Soup Mix that can be added to any bone or vegetable broth. Lotus seed, lycium fruit, dioscorea rhizome, polygonatum rhizome, black fungus, codonopsis root, astragalus root and longan fruit are considered tonics and strengthen the immune system. This herbal blend has a pleasant taste that enhances the texture of the soup. We highly recommend that you add this blend to your chicken soup because chicken is thought to bring out the tonifying and nourishing aspects of the herbs. If you choose not to add chicken, you can still reap the benefits of these healing herbs.

Chinese Herbal Soup Mix


  • Herbal Soup Mix package: lotus seed, lycium fruit, Dioscorea rhizome, rehmannia rhizome, codonopsis root, astragalus root & longan fruit

  • 2 chicken, tofu or bone broth


  1. Bring broth to a boil and add herbs and herbs either for 20–30 mins. Add additional protein and veggies as desired. Makes 4 servings. Heat the soup for a few minutes before eating, except woody herbal substances should be removed before serving.


  • Lotus seeds strengthen appetite and weakness, relieve diarrhea and restlessness.

  • Lycium fruit rhizome relieves yin-deficiency, dry mouths, and frequent urination.

  • Dioscorea rhizome relieves yin-deficiency, dry cough, and throat and cough.

  • Black fungus relieves dryness and taste.

  • Codonopsis root relieves qi-deficiency and weak cough.

  • Astragalus root relieves qi-deficiency and excessive sweating.

  • Longan fruit helps strengthen the heart, nourishes the blood, and relieves stress.


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